Category: Travel Scaries

3 Takeaways from Amari’s Travel Scary

Travel Scary (noun)    An unnerving experience during travel that triggers fear, anxiety, or discomfort, often stemming from unforeseen circumstances or unfamiliar environments.   While visiting Paris, La Ville-Lumière, Amari and her friend experienced a “travel scary.” As they were heading down the stairs to the train, they were targeted by a pickpocket. Despite the area seeming […]

3 Takeaways from Steph’s Travel Scary

Travel Scary (noun) An unnerving travel experience or situation encountered that induces fear, anxiety, or discomfort due to potential risks, unfamiliar environments, or unsettling circumstances. Everyone experiences a hiccup in their travel plans here and there.  Mine began with a routine stop at customs… over and over again. Here’s what I did to prevent this […]

3 Takeaways from Chloe’s Travel Scary

Travel Scary (noun)   An unnerving experience during travel that triggers fear, anxiety, or discomfort, often stemming from unforeseen circumstances or unfamiliar environments.  We’ve all had our share of travel scary moments, those times when everything seems to go wrong right when you need it to go right. This isn’t recent, but I, Chloe, encountered one […]

Takeaways from Joy’s Travel Scary

So, how did her travel credit card save the day? By providing reimbursement. She had purchased her airline ticket with her travel credit card, allowing her to contact the credit card company for help in this situation. In doing so, Joy was reimbursed for all of the important items she was missing such as toothpaste, […]

3 Takeaways from Cece’s Travel Scary

Takeaways from Jade & Ashley’s Travel Scary Part 2

Takeaways from Jade & Ashley’s Travel Scary

3 Takeaways from Britney’s Travel Scary

3 Takeaways from Emani’s Travel Scary

travel scary (noun)  An experience or situation encountered during travel that induces fear, anxiety, or discomfort due to potential risks, unfamiliar environments, or unsettling circumstances.  Most people have either heard or personally experienced a travel scary before. In the moment, they can be quite stressful. They’re typically unprecedented experiences that occur at inconvenient times, hence […]

5 Takeaways from Brimady’s Travel Scary

travel scary (noun)  An experience or situation encountered during travel that induces fear, anxiety, or discomfort due to potential risks, unfamiliar environments, or unsettling circumstances.  Most people have either heard or personally experienced a travel scary before. In the moment, they can be quite stressful. They’re typically unprecedented experiences that occur at inconvenient times, hence […]

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